Friday 29 April 2011

Chiam See Tong marks 25 years as opposition MP

SINGAPORE: Opposition Member of Parliament Chiam See Tong has called on all opposition parties to contest as many group representation and single member constituencies as possible in the next General Election.

He was speaking at a dinner in his ward in Potong Pasir on Saturday to mark his 25 years as MP. But he did not comment on his future political plans.

Residents in Potong Pasir have helped to change the face of politics in Singapore, he said.

Mr Chiam, who has been Potong Pasir MP since 1984, thanked the residents for their support.

"Another thing I am certain is that it is possible for an ordinary person like me to stand for election and get elected and re-elected, provided one conscientiously looks after his constituency, does his parliamentary work and is imbued with professionalism, honesty and integrity," he said.

"By my example, I think this is my greatest contribution to promoting democracy in Singapore. Let Potong Pasir be a powerbase and a beacon for more opposition victories," he added.

Leaders of the opposition parties in Singapore also turned up at the event to honour the achievements of the 74-year-old MP. They included Mr Low Thia Khiang from the Workers' Party and Dr Chee Soon Juan who was once Mr Chiam's protege.

Mr Chiam has signalled his intention to contest a Group Representation Constituency or GRC in the next General Election. There has been talk within his party circles he could field a new candidate to defend his Potong Pasir seat.

But there are also concerns about Mr Chiam's health as he had a stroke last year. Hence Singaporeans may have to wait till the next Nomination Day to find out what exactly Mr Chiam has up his sleeves.

By S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 12 December 2009 2247 hrs

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